Saturday, October 4, 2008

Larger than Life


You were larger than life, I knew this from the first time I met you. We were sailing on L’outrage, I think it was a race to Baltimore. You kept telling Bruce, go to the beach.We skirted the shore line and slid and across the openings of rivers and creeks. You kept talking about the river slide and kept looking for those elusive zephyrs. You always would say look thru these sunglasses, you need the right ones to see the Zephyrs. All the time you had that big devious grin on your face.

I watched you sail your beloved star boat and you always helped others along the way. After the races you would often hold court in the yard behind the boats, it was always great to here your stories. You always managed to have the boat box stocked and ready to go.
You were always at the club and held your traditional place at the end of the bar. I think you sat there so that could greet everyone that came in. It seemed that every one knew you and were always happy to see you. The kids were always excited to see there uncle Trap and always wanted to climb up on your lap. It amazed me that every one that came knew you and were always happy that you were there.

You always brought a smile to every one face that you came in contact with, Trap you were larger life.

Go with speed and the graces of the wind

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