Monday, August 11, 2008

News from Paul and Barbara

Now for the news from Paul…..

Trapper and I went to DC and enrolled him in the Washington DC Veterans Medical Center today. We got there about 1:00 and I left about 7:00. He hadn't still been assigned a room when I left. Trap is supposed to call me when he gets situated in a room.

As things were proceeding at a snails pace locally, I/we decided to enter into a full bore affirmative action situation, the VA. Upon arriving we were treated to a fast track of questioning, evaluation and testing right then and there. My confidence, and Trappers, level is way higher than it has been. The research over the previous weeks and discussions with physicians of all types lead us this direction. Pen Alexander, a member of AYC and the VA Hospital, had pre-arranged a fast track at the VA hospital from the time we arrived, a true advantage. Discussions with Pen were instrumental to lead me to make a plea to Trap that this is what we should do.

I will be at the VA tomorrow bringing results from previous oncology tests that have been performed locally that I will pick up in Annapolis, to help him not to be "stabbed and poked" any more than necessary. Valuable biopsy information that can be used just recently attained. I hope to be more informed by the end of tomorrow.

I feel that things are moving in a much more rapid pace, which I know as well as you, hasn't been happening to our satisfaction. Trapper feels much better about this, THANK GOD that stubborn cuss, as well as I.

We don't know exactly how long Trap will be there, at least a few days, maybe longer. He has his cell, however when he gets a room tonight he will have a room phone as well.

Trapper’s contact information

Cell number 410-463-6810

Alan Lippincott
Room 430
VA Medical Center
50 Irvin Street, NW
Washington, DC 20422

Phone in his room 202-518-4534

Barbara & Paul


Michael and Nicole said...

Hi Barb, is the VA Medical Center on Irvin or "Irving" Street?

Trapper´s Admin said...

This for Irving Street actually.

VA Medical Center
50 Irving St. NW.
Washington, DC 20422
Phone: (202)745-8000

Dan Lawrence